Monday 4 September 2017

Lukaku okay with the "Ibra" Challenge

Manchester United striker Romelu Lukaku insists he is looking forward to having Zlatan Ibrahimovic back in the fray and doesn't fear for his position in the side. Lukaku has made a strong start to his career at the Red Devils, scoring three goals in three Premier League games and doesn't believe Ibrahimovic, who is due to return from injury towards the end of the year, will negatively impact his position in the squad.

I said to Zlatan I hoped he would be back. We need his personality,Lukaku said, according to the club's official website. “He will bring many qualities to the team, and help us in our goal of winning the title.

I don’t fear the competition as a striker, or Zlatan. Things are going really well for me at United,” he added. “The pre-season was good and it helped knowing a lot of the players before arriving.

The manager has helped me a lot to settle quickly, so it has all been very positive. I am now with a coach that I have wanted to play with for a long time, since I was 11 years of age. And with him we are looking to do something special.

For me it is all about progressing and learning in my career, and all the coaches I have had have helped me with that

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